Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Sunday, 26 April 2009
"A punt should not be confused with a gondola, which is propelled by an oar rather than a pole"
Which is pretty funny since, lets face it, there's not much difference between an oar and a pole. Anyway, it was a beautiful, sunny day in England and we got some great shots!
although, he did steer us into a tree or two....
I think this is the back of Queen's College, if I'm not mistaken
The Public Footpath
Having a bite of lunch before we started
Thursday, 23 April 2009
I'm going to be a Godmama!!!!!
After a verrrry stressful couple of weeks, they went to their first ultrasound yesterday and got to see their little "tic-tac" as they're calling it!

Monday, 20 April 2009
Not too much to report...
I did make a trek out to the public footpath that connects St. Ives to the town next to us, and it was gorgeous! I'm going to go out sometime soon to take was absolutely stunning! I took Angus out with me on the walk when I went yesterday and he was a nightmare, there's no way I could have taken I'm going to venture out on my own next
We've also met a couple of friends out here, which has been nice! I miss everyone back in the states soooo much! So, its been great finally meeting people our own age and just getting to hang out and have fun!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Spring has sprung...well, its
The tiny streets in Cambridge
So, most of you know, I was in the Green Room's production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" like 5 years ago... the cd's that we got were copies of the original cast recording and for a loooong time, my cd's havent worked and I've been on the hunt for the OCR and havent been able to find it. Well, finally, after literally, like 3 years of searching, I found it!!! And it is AWESOME and has renewed my love for JCSS! :)
The green
Oh, and we named our photography if you didnt notice... it's Agape Photos.... Christopher thinks we can get good enough to actually do something with the photography thing and is paranoid someone is going to steal our So, we're Agape Photos... and for those who dont know... it's pronounced Uh-gah-pay and it means unconditional love!
Oh, and please dont steal our photos...
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Happy Easter
This cornerstone, this solid ground firm through
Today, Christopher had to work, but I made up my mind that I was not going to just not go to church on Easter! We never found a church in San Diego, and that was one thing we wanted to make sure we did out here in England.

Having a regular church was something that we both have been missing, so the whole walk there, I was praying in my head that this would be a good church and that I'd enjoy the service. I walked in and was greeted and then sat down and got settled. I immediately recognized the song that was playing overhead before the service started.... "In Christ Alone"...which is a song that I first heard last year at FUMC-Conover for the Easter Cantata...Denise was supposed to sing it but ended up not being able to, but its a song that I, along with the entire choir, absolutely fell in love with! Its just a great, great song. So, I knew, within the first few minutes, it was going to be a good service. And it was! The woman who preached was a lay pastor for the church, probably only a little older than me, and full of energy! She was great!
After the service, I was getting ready to leave and a young guy came up and started talking to me, and then his friends, a couple about mine and Christopher's age, and the lay pastor's husband. I sat there for almost 45 minutes after the service talking to them and a few others who would walk by and introduce themselves. They even invited Christopher and me to their small group that meets on Sunday nights. It was great to meet people and talk to them and it just felt really good!
After church I came home and worked my tail off in the kitchen! I made ham, potatoe salad, deviled eggs, rolls, green beans, and a peach pie for dinner!
My pie! With a matching dove like my wrist! :)
I also hid the Easter eggs that we dyed the other day in the garden for Christopher to find when he got home!
Angus found his egg!
I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Sunset in St. Ives
Angus and I off to the green!
Sunset over the Green
And I know by photographic standards, this isnt a great picture, but we love it...I think it looks like a painting!
Angus running towards me!