A very happy 25th birthday to Christopher!!!! We celebrated today by taking it easy... going, going, going for the past 2 weeks has worn us all out! We ordered pizza and watched "The Wizard of Oz" and I baked him an apple pie for his "cake". He got lots of goodies this morning; his GPS watch, Heart rate monitor and bike mount to go with it, socks, a wooden bat (he's going to play for the wooden bat league for his work), a UNC Charlotte T Shirt (supporting Matt's school!), a Navy hoodie, money, and shoes
Make a wish! (and yes, that's a mustache you see on my husband. March is "Mustache Month" at work... apparently they're growing their mustache's out for charity...weird.)
And we picked Angus up from the kennel today... he's definitely loving being home(and spoiled by his grandma and grandpa...) he's been sleeping on Anna's lap all evening!