Monday, 16 March 2009


Happy Monday! (And also, Happy Birthday Mymom!!!)

We havent been too busy lately....not doing too much travelling. Angus is all vaccinated up and can walk around on a lead now, so we're working on that and he's doing really really well. Here's a few pictures for you guys to enjoy!

He LOVES to chase his tail and he always catches

After he caught his

The other night we were cleaning up getting ready for our house inspection by the landlord and all was quiet downstairs, so we went to check on Gus and found him like this... (Please excuse the messy sofa)

Outside in the Garden (excuse the hand on the, I liked this picture!)

All of us!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see you finally have our guest room done haha... now if only our birthdays would come around really quickly...
