This is the tower of Orford. When Henry II built his Castle, it would have originally have been surrounded by a Castle wall with towers to protect the main tower, or keep. The Tower, or keep, is nearly 30 meters high! By the 1840's all traces of the wall were gone and only the tower stood as a reminder of King Henry II's power. They think the wall was torn down and the stone re-used for other buildings.

Mom and I

The basement of the castle. The well is in the middle.

The chapel

The windows in the chapel. These were the only windows in the original castle that were glazed. It was extremely rare and expensive to have actual windows, that right was reserved for the wealthy, and when they built the chapel, the windows were almost like an offering to God, having the best for Him.

Christopher sitting on a pew. The whole above him is so that when the chapel was filled, the servants could still stand out in the hallway and hear the sermon.
The Chaplain's room. The chimney from the kitchen is behind that main wall, and that heated the room.

The Chaplain's room. The chimney from the kitchen is behind that main wall, and that heated the room. can guess where...

And it was Mom's turn.

The great hall. This was used when important people would come to visit.

The bakery on the roof. They put it on the roof so if by chance there was a fire, it wouldnt take out the entire castle.

Mom on the roof

The view from the roof... the coast! The body of water is part of the Orford Ness and The North Sea.
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