Since we were in Germany over Thanksgiving, we didn't get to partake in all the deliciousness that is Thanksgiving. So, we invited our friends Liz and Tim over and I made the whole spread on Saturday. It was delicious! It was the first time I've made a turkey (last Thanksgiving I took the easy route and used the Jennie-O Turkeys that go straight from the freezer to the oven, no work involved), so it was a bit of an undertaking, but it turned out really, really tasty! Enjoy...
Putting the yummy butter/parsley/garlic mixture under the turkey

Because its not the Holiday's without Hog Balls.
My delicious turkey up close
I made a cranberry maple glaze for the turkey that was divine
My incredible Pecan Pie!
The table all set (and the silver that we used is my Christmas gift from my awesome Grandparents, Mymom and Grampy! When I was home over the summer, Mymom and I spent like 2 hours on the computer looking at antique silverware because I really wanted some and they searched different antique stores and found the perfect set for me.. ornate and beautiful! I opened it the night before and had to use it for our late Thanksgiving meal!)
All the food (and Tim in the
Before Liz and Tim got there, Christopher took some pictures of Angus and me under the Tree! Look at all our presents!!!
And we have Mistletoe growing in our front yard, so I picked a bunch, wrapped a ribbon around it and its hanging on our front door... but we had to be all cutesy with it
AW the food looked delicious and the mistletoe pic is the cutest!!!