Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been neglecting the Travel Blog. I know. We really haven't been doing much of anything lately with all the baby stuff going on (see baby blog for details).
We went to the Navy ball on October 16th and that was pretty fun. I love getting all dressed up and seeing Christopher all decked out in his dress uniform!
We also carved pumpkins with the Gray's and hung out with them on Halloween, handing out candy to the kids in their neighborhood. Mom Wofford bought Angus a Sailor outfit for Halloween, which he really didn't mind too much (well, except for the hat).

Oh, and this is proof that I dont completely disregard all holidays but Christmas. I have a fall wreath and we carved a pumpkin! lol

On Halloween, we were talking to our friend Hannah, whose husband is TDY to Holland right now, about the cruise they're taking in January. They're going on an Eastern Med Cruise that will port in Croatia, Greece, Egypt, Israel, and Italy! Amazing! So, I think that we're going to tag along... and I think the Gray's are too... so we're getting really excited about that. Egypt and Israel are places that you dont really travel to alone... they're just not the safest places in the world. But, to take a cruise and be with a large group of people makes them at least safe enough where we feel comfortable to go. I am sooo beyond excited! With everything that's gone on this year, we need a really stellar start to 2011!
I must say that I am Jealous of the cruise! You know how I have longed to go to Egypt since well...forever. So since I can't go yet, I will live through you! lol ;) I think that will definatly be a stellar start to 2011!
You look great! The cruise sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a great time.