Okay, its time for a massive update. I have been awful at updating this blog and we've actually done a lot that needs to be posted...lol. Oops. I'm still laid up with the flu, so I'm taking my down time and putting it to some use.
I'll pick up where I left off... Mymom & Grampy's Trip. When we got back from Naples, we had to stay at the hotel on base since they were completely replacing our heating system in the house.
We took them to Cambridge and showed them the sights and then we went to London. It was a freezing cold, miserable, London day. I dont think anyone had that great of a time, which is sad considering how amazing London really is. We bought tickets for the double decker tour bus and rode all over the city, to make sure Mymom and Grampy got to see the big stuff.
London Bridge!
And then it snowed. And It snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed. It snowed all over the place... that was pretty much the theme while Mymom and Grampy were here...lol. We also had a lot of hoar frost (which is where fog freezes on everything) which was really cool. We drove into Biggleswade for an antiques fair one afternoon... the fair ended up being cancelled, but we got to see some beautiful, snowy countryside.
Spider Webs on our garage... so pretty!

We finally managed to go to Windsor Castle! We've been wanting to see it forever, but every time we plan to go, something happens. It was worth the wait! It was awesome! You cant take pictures inside, which sucks, but it was gorgeous! And it was all decorated for Christmas, which was really cool. We got to go into St. George's Chapel, which is the chapel right in front of the castle. Something like a dozen kings and queens are buried there, including Henry VIII, which was cool.
The guards in front of St. George's Chapel.

And then it was Christmas Eve. We watched Christmas Vacation, because its what we do...lol.

A very spoiled rotten little boy

The next morning we woke up early and opened presents! Christopher spoiled me rotten this year!!! After skyping with our families and waking up a little bit more, I got started on Christmas Dinner. I made Beef Wellington, mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and parsnips, and yorkshire puddings! It was a success!!!
Using my new Food Processor!

Carving up the beef Wellington!
A couple of days later, we headed out to go to York. On the way there, we passed by a couple of signs for Burghley House in Stamford and decided to detour. I'd heard Stamford was pretty cool, so I figured we'd find something, at least lunch, in the little town. It turned out to be gorgeous!!! Burghley House was closed for the winter, but the grounds are a park and they were open to the public. We got out and walked around in the snow and came across Reindeer! It was awesome, especially since it was only a couple of days after Christmas. They were so tame too... Mymom and I even pet one!
We will definitely be going back as soon as it's open!
Mymom and I in front of one of the doors... it was tiny!

We had lunch in town at an Italian place and it was pretty good...nothing like our actual Italian food, but good just the same. We walked around a little bit more and found tons of antique stores; though they were closed for the Holidays. We ended up going back the next day with Christopher in tow and hit up some of the antique stores and I found a tea set! I've been looking for one forever to have from England and could never find one that I really loved.
Great photos from an awesome trip!